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All events are virtual and subject to change.

All times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time.

Thursday, June 17


Emporium open. (Will be open throughout program.)


9:00-5:00 Bath

Concierge/Help Desk open


9:30-10:00 Steventon

Welcome. (Inger Brodey & James Thompson)


10:00–12:00 Chawton

Creative writing workshop: “Creating Your Own Adaptation.” Requires separate registration.  (Mary Robinette Kowal & Soniah Kamal


11:00-12:00 Bath

Teachers’ forum. (Caitlin Donovan & Kathryn Edelstein)


12:15–1:15  Steventon

Elevenses: “An Artist Cannot Do Anything Slovenly”: 
The Making of “A Most Clever Girl.” Author Jasmine A. Stirling  gives a behind-the-scenes look into her process of researching and writing her picture book biography “A Most Clever Girl: How Jane Austen Discovered Her Voice,” with an emphasis on her meticulous use of Austen’s novels, letters, and juvenilia, and her interpretation of Claire Tomalin’s biography, “Jane Austen: A Life.” Stirling also discuss the picture book development process from an author’s perspective. 


1:30-2:30 Chawton 

Louis Round Wilson Library rare-book and manuscript exhibit, "The Worlds Within Austen's Two Inches of Ivory"


2:30-3:30 Chawton

Ackland Art Museum tour, “Art and Empire: The Exterior Forces of Austen’s Interior World.”


3:30-4:30 Chawton

Embroidery workshop with a visit from Jennie Batchelor.


5:00–6:00 Steventon 

Plenary address: “Adapting the Glamourous Regency: When You Want to Add Magic to Your Jane Austen, How Do You Do It Without Breaking History?,” by Mary Robinette Kowal, author of the Glamourist Histories series. 


6:15–7:15 Steventon

Welcome banquet/cook-along.


6:15–7:15 Chawton

Trivia game based on the assigned readings.


7:15–8:15 Steventon 

Dinner plenary address: “Beyond ‘Two Inches…of Ivory’: Jane Austen and the World of the Regency,” by Robert Morrison, author of "The Regency Years: During which Jane Austen Writes, Napoleon Fights, Byron Makes Love, and Britain Becomes Modern."

Friday, June 18

9:30-5:00 Bath

Concierge/Help Desk open


10:00–10:30 Chawton 

Context Corner I: “Spilling the Tea: Contextualizing Tea, Gender, and Race in the Regency.” Elevenses with  demonstration. (KC Hysmith


10:30-11:30 Chawton

Context Response Discussion Session I. Discussion groups in breakout rooms.


12:00–1:00 Chawton

Teachers Scholarship Recipients’ & Essay Contest Winners’ Lunch.


1:00-2:00 Steventon 

Plenary address: “Turbans, Tunics, and Turkish Gauze: Eastern Inspiration in Regency Fashion,” by Samantha Bullat.


2:00-3:30 Chawton

Turban-making workshop.



3:45-4:45 Steventon 

“‘What Jane Saw’: Austen, Art, and Celebrity Culture.” Plenary address and Q/A with Janine Barchas, author of "Matters of Fact in Jane Austen: History," "Location, and Celebrity" and "The Lost Books of Jane Austen."


4:45-5:00 Chawton

Context Corner II: Publication history. (Liz Shand)


5:00-6:00 Chawton

Context Response Discussion Session II.  Discussion groups in breakout rooms.


7:30–9:00 Steventon 

Original Theatrical Productions:  


  • Jane Austen’s “History of England,” adapted and directed by Adam and Blanche McCune.

  • “Manydown,” written by Sarah Rose Kearns, directed by Mia Moravis. 


Q/A session with directors and actors to follow performances. 


Screen on your own: "Becoming Jane"

Saturday, June 19

9:00-5:00 Bath

Concierge/Help Desk open.


10:00-10:20 Chawton

Context Corner III: Whigs and Tories. (Anne Fertig)


10:30–11:30 Chawton

Context Response Discussion Session III. Discussion groups in breakout rooms.

11:30–1:00 Chawton

Elevenses: “‘The Keys to the Wine and Closet’: Austen’s World of Food and Drink” AND the first-ever JASPBO (Jane Austen Summer Program Bake Off). (KC Hysmith and Eric Bontempo)

1:00-2:00 Steventon 

ENGL 235 student “poster” presentations.


2:00-3:00 Chawton

Teacher workshop. 


3:00-4:00 Steventon 

Plenary address: “Writing in Austen’s England,” by R.B. Bartgis


4:15-5:30 Chawton

Penmanship workshop #1 with R.B. Bartgis.


7:00–10:30 Chawton

Murder mystery game. (With special appearance by Susannah Fullerton)


Screen on your own: "Bridgerton," Episode 1.

Sunday, June 20

8:30-3:00 Bath

Concierge/ Help Desk open.


8:45-10:00 Chawton
Penmanship workshop #2 with R.B. Bartgis.
10:00-10:20 Steventon 

Context Corner IV: Motherhood. (Katherine Stein)


10:30-12:00 Steventon 

Panel on Austen’s own afterlives in film, fiction and media. 

12:30-2:00 Chawton

Context Corner Discussion IV. Discussion groups in breakout rooms.


2:00-3:00 Steventon  

"Regency Celebrities" by Jocelyn Harris



3:00-3:30 Steventon

JASP Farewell and sneak peek of next year.


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