We interrupt your Tuesday with a few quick announcements:
If you haven’t checked out our schedule in a while, go take a gander. We’re no longer holding a picnic (if you paid for one, be on the lookout for a refund), but(!) we are adding two reticule-making sessions, led by Ruth Verbunt. During the sessions ($20 each), participants will be able to pick out fabric and make a reticule to bring to the ball. The sessions are open to a maximum of 15 people. We’ll also have free whist sessions at the same time as the reticule classes (space will be limited). Soon you’ll be able to register for the classes on Eventbrite or on-site. More info coming soon!
Haven’t registered yet? You’ve got TWO more days to take advantage of our early-bird registration rate. Hop over to the registration page and sign up today!
