It’s almost time, ladies and gentlemen! Soon you’ll be hopping in the car/plane/train/bus (… or donkey if you’re Mrs. Elton) and heading down to Chapel Hill. Need some music to keep you going before the Jane Austen Summer Program? Just press play for 100-plus songs from various “Emma” adaptations as well as English country dance tracks.
And while you’re here, take a look back at some of what we’ve written about here, including:
Which “Emma” adaptation is right for you?
This year’s teacher scholarship winners
Recaps of the Web series “Emma Approved”
The lowdown on Waterloo and Duchess of the Richmond ball
Q&As with costume designer Jade Bettin, writer Jen Chaney, dancer Ruth Verbunt, hatmaker Maureen O’Connor and games enthusiast Steve Diatz
Chapel Hill restaurants and more